Wednesday, June 28, 2006
My New Fave Shopping Hunt
Went shopping last sun with my parents and grandparents. It has been quite a while since I last went shopping with my family. It has also been some time since I last went shopping. However it's not my shopping victory that I'm gonna share about.
I would like to share about the "NEW" Raffles City. Happened to discover the new extension of the mall at the basement. I was super excited having discovered my fave shops and also some interesting new shops, or should I say shops of my kind. Hee..
I was thrilled to discover the new outlet of The Skin Food there, but din have the chance to walk into it cos mom complained that I've said enough for the day already. Argh..
But fear not, cos I had the chance to further explored it yesterday afternoon when I went shopping with Aunt Alice. Bought 2 tops from Esprit yesterday and a cream, a eye shimmer, a lip treatment and a nail colour from The Skin Food.
I was crazy when I set foot in that shop and aunt said I was a "bad" influnce cos she was super tempted to buy almost everything too. Haha..
I'm almost quite interested in the 2 floral tea shops, but din really take a good look at all the products.
There is this shop which sells only finger food. So cute. All the food items were so tiny. Then there is also this British-style fast food which sells fried Mars-bars. So interesting isn't?
There's also this juice store called the "Fruity Juice Co." I love the name, simple and straight to the point. The display of the store was like the kind of fruit shops which you can see in cartoons like Beauty and the Beast, Oliver Twist etc.. that century one la. We bought the juice and the bottles were so cute and the picture on the label too. So French.
Another point to note. The store next to it sells super yummy tako pachi. What a fusion mix for tea?
Raffles City is now my fave cos there's all my fave brands and shops there, like: Anna Sui, The Skin Food, The Body Shop, The Natural Source, Swarovski, Esprit, The Soup Spoon etc...
OH, i'm so in love with victorian at {/11:55 PM}
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Holidays are finally here.. But...
6 weeks of crazy exams are finally over. 3 months of holidays are finally here. Yet I'm not really excited about it. Life doesn't seem any much less carefree.
Exams ended last Monday. Then I had a whole day of tuition on Tuesday and then went to meet Claris for dinner. We had dinner at Paragon, then we went to 3 different cinemas, trying to catch a movie. In the end, we ended up at the Cathay, was "She's the Man", Well, initially I wasn't keen on it cos I really wanted to watch "Cars", but there wasn't any more available timings. But no regrets watching "She's the Man". It's so funny, Cant really remember when was the last time I watch a comedy. The last movie I watched was with my parents in end April. We watched "Firewall", featuring Harrison Ford. That was much of a thriller. Back to "She's the Man". Haven laugh out my heart for quite a while. Nice show and I highly recommend it. One revelation from it, woman can be as capable as man. Another revelation, women are emotional but men are rational.
Wednesday, I went to my aunt's house to help her settle her company's accounts. Work work work. On Thursday, went to help Aunt Alice to search for Shawn's new school as they'll be moving to Yishun end of this year. That was so tiring as we went to 5-6 different schools. After which, I went for CG.
Friday, went for 2 tuitions in the morning then went to meet Chantal for K-Box, then rushed to give Shawn tuition in the evening.
Saturday went for COPE then service.
Supposed to start work at the tuition agency yesterday, but I was down with a very bad flu and cough since Sunday.
Still sick now but I better turn up for work tml.
Chantal said I am a workaholic. Huh... Perhaps.. cos I dun seem to have anytime to enjoy my holiday. Argh...
OH, i'm so in love with victorian at {/2:49 PM}
Monday, June 05, 2006
God is Good!!
Over the past 6 weeks, though I haven been blogging, I'm really blessed in my life. Ups and downs throughout this period, yet God is faithful and good.
Besides having a new fridge at home, Dad bought me a new digi-cam. Not the model I wanted, but it's good enough. Last Thursday, after Emerge, my parents went to expo to pick me up and they showed me the new hp they bought. They bought 3 new hps. 2 nokia 6280 and 1 samsung 660. 3 hps for $84. Woho.. Great deal isn't it? I've got the nokia 6280. It's a 3G phone. Mom changed my phone plan and now I've got free incoming calls all day. Oh.. God is good.
Dad went to India 2 weeks ago and bought me a CK eternity moment perfume and a Gameboy from Dutyfree.
Grace bought me a new hot pink bag as a makeup birthday present cos the lamp exploded. Pink pink..
Though busy, I managed to spend time with Suet and Grace. Went for lunch with Suet then another day again with her and Grace. Memories of our JC days just keep flashing in me. Really missed those days when we went shopping after school. I really love to sit and eat and talk with people I love. This is good life. I thank God for giving me friends like them.
Passed my driving test. I'm really grateful to have very good instructors like Mr Ng HS and Mr Lim CC. They not just taught me the techniques but also cheered me on before and after my test. I trusted God in the test, believing that He'll lead me through. God is so good cos He never fail me this time. I've got the tester who I always wanted. He was very kind to be throughout the test and even warned me before I almost knocked down the pole. I was so happy that after the test, I went to take photo for the driving license and the administrator at the license processing counter was telling me what a beautiful smile I had. Well.. that's cos I'm smiling from the bottom of my heart. And like dad said, my test day was really easy to remember cos it's on 5th May, on Friday. Ha... God is faithful.
Went for all 6 sessions of Emerge Conference. Felt like it was the greatest commitment I've made in the last 18months. Was recharged, inspired. Shall share more about the conference in another entry.
Went for BV audition on 23rd May, just a couple of days before my POB paper. Initially I was very reluctant to go for it. Felt I wasn't ready and somemore in the midst of my exams. Nonetheless, I went for a shot cos of Claris and Daphanie. But in the end, only Claris and I went for the audition. We were the 1st 2 candidates. I originally picked 2 songs, "Cry" and "Take me Deeper", but as we were practising that afternoon before the audition, I picked "A heart after You." Felt that I could perform better vocally with that song although I wasn't really familiar with the lyrics. Soon was 6pm. As we were waiting, I could feel butterflies in my stomach. The aircon in the church office was so powerful that my hands were icy cold. Sis Caroline took our attendance and shared her experience to calm us down, but.. I was just too nervous. When I went into the room, I stood before Sis Annabel and Sis Alison. My legs were shivering. I sang. Duh... I forgot my lyrics so Sis Ally helped to prompt me. My face was flushing red. I knew cos I could feel the heat in my cheeks. Finished the song and my legs were still shivering. Then Sis Ally asked me if I was nervous. Sis Bel helped me replied, "Of course, her legs are literally shivering." I just smiled. Sis Bel gave me very good comments. Both of them were very happy with my vocal quality and diction, but they also shared with me the kind of pressure I would experience on the front stage as a BV. Then Sis Bel just said, "Well, you know what happens on Singapore Idol when you forget ur lyrics. Hope you can continue working on it and try again the next time." I just nodded my head.
Both Claris and I din make it through the audition. Well I was pretty angry with myself cos I din make it bcos I forgot my lyrics. Diong... But never mind. Champions are those who never quit.
God is still good. =)
OH, i'm so in love with victorian at {/5:14 PM}
I'm Back!!!
Hello everybody!! How's everyone doing? Haven been blogging for other 6-7 weeks. Have been really really busy these days. Many things happened, for the good or for the worse.
1. Busy giving tuitions to prepare my tuition kids for the mid-year exams.
2. My driving test on 5th May. Finally got my license.
3. My exams.. So stress.. I'm still left with my last paper on 12th June.
4. Went for the background vocalist audition.
5. Emerge which just ended yesterday.
6. My last cg E205 disbanded on the last day of April. Shifted to the new cg with Xiao Wei and John and other new guys.
7. Not forgetting the Word Power Preliminary for Emerge.
8. Oh.. and I've got a new fridge at home. Bigger, but I still managed to pack it.
The list just goes on. Shall further elaborate on them when I have the time.
OH, i'm so in love with victorian at {/4:13 PM}